Each and everyone has their self-fulfilling goal set for their life; be it in their career or personal life. Most people set goals and later due to instances of numerous hindrances they give up on their goals. Barriers are part of a successful journey. Many times when you take the initial steps towards your goals you start facing intermittent problems after a few steps. Due to these constant obstacles, you might feel that you are stuck in major problems. Majority of people stay stuck and cry over the problems. A few dare to succeed in dealing with the barrier and get out of that situation. Those who dare, later win. Fortune struck to those who are prepared for obstacles to happen. Moreover, even after the occurrence of unfavored events, they win out due to their willpower. If you are feeling stuck too then this article is for you.
Let’s find out about the barriers and how to overcome them:
There can be two types of barriers affecting you
- Internal Barriers
- External Barriers
Internal Barriers
Internal barriers are those which exist only inside your mind and are not tangible. These are hard to discover because they exist in your subconscious mind. Your behavior, your choices and your approach are influenced by these while resolving an issue. Below are the internal barriers and ways to succeed in dealing with these barriers are:
Eliminate fear —
When any obstacle occurs your brain fails to accept it immediately. Making the situation worse, it further generates fear inside you because for your brain every adverse situation is a danger to your existence. Your brain is trained to expect smooth events in your life. Don’t get caught in this ploy. Prepare your mind that problems can occur anywhere and they are solvable. So eliminate all your fears; fear of failure or rejection. Read more about fear in article FEAR.
Break your old and ancient belief —
Before tackling any situation break all sort of beliefs you have. These can cause you to block your vision. Sometimes the solution is hiding just behind your beliefs. In another way, your beliefs can block your way to reach the solution. Beliefs can prevent you from looking at the situation from a different perspective.
’Every lock has a key’ attitude –
When you face any problem keep this in mind that ’every lock has a key’ so does every problem has a solution. You must have the positive attitude to solve a problem.
Have patience –
Finding the solution to any problem is not one night task. It may take a while. If you are unable to find a solution immediately that does not mean that you will never find it. So have patience and keep on putting efforts.
Get rid of self-doubt –
Believe in yourself. Don’t let your self-doubt beat you down. Believe that you will do your best and you have the capability to do it.
External Barriers
Those barriers which arise due to external factors are external barriers. To overcome these barriers you need a totally different approach as they involve outer world. External Barriers can be like – not finding the customers for your business, you have got an order but don’t have enough resources to finish it, expensive shipping methods etc.
Commit to your work –
first of all, Make a commitment to yourself that you will cross the hurdle under every circumstance. No matter how tough the challenge is. Don’t make it your obligation, but make it your wish to commit and fulfill this commitment by finding the resolution to your problem. Develop a positive mindset that no matter what comes your way you will find the solution. Think of the obstacle as an opportunity.
What do you think your barrier is –
Find out the real barriers. Many times you think that there are barriers but those are only your own implied assumptions, not the fact. Look for the actual obstacles. Find answers to these questions: For eg. What is it blocking your way? Is it actually a work issue or your attitude/beliefs which is hampering in your progress? Are you being lazy to move forward? Or you are looking at the problem from a wrong perspective. Do a reality check. Reality can be different than we think. Explore the reality of your problem first without incurring your assumptions to it. For eg., You think that you are not finding the customers because they don’t need your product. So you will have to look into another market segment But the reality can be that the customers don’t understand your product because of your confused marketing strategy or sales pitch. Customers are unable to understand how your product can benefit them. Therefore, apply a realistic approach to understand the barrier.
Identify and Evaluate the barrier –
When a problem comes in your way, sit back and take a deep breath. I personally prefer to Meditate as it helps you to have a conscious mind, or go for a walk as it helps increase blood circulation which in turn helps you to think sharp. Identify what exactly is your barrier and write it down on a piece of paper. This will give you a clear idea about your problem. Writing is utmost necessary to get all the facts and figures in proper orderly manner. Aforementioned also enables your brain to think more rationally inclined to solve your problem. We, humans, are curious by nature and we love to solve the problem; and once you write it down, you might find a totally different perspective on the problem. You will definitely find a plan or workaround that you can wholeheartedly transform into a workable plan. Otherwise, you may be trying to walk in darkness and handling whatever comes to your hand. It is impossible to move forward without a plan. Writing down everything keeps your brain concentrated. Analyse the problem and look at the different perspectives of the problem and solutions to it.
Divide the barrier into smaller steps –
By dividing the barrier you will feel less stressed and will be able to cope up with a peaceful mind. You won’t have a rock to climb on only smaller steps will suffice. Smaller problems are easy to resolve and take less time. Therefore by solving smaller ones you feel motivated constantly. As a result, You don’t feel stuck.
Finding a substitute or solution for the problem –
Now focus on the exact solution. If you are unable to find something specific then look for substitutes just to keep going with your work.
Check all your resources –
Don’t leave any stone unturned. Check all your resources to find the solution to your problem. Do not give up. Hesitation can be a kind of barrier. If you need a friend’s help then ask for it. He may say No, but there is no harm in asking. Right? otherwise, if you, unfortunately, don’t succeed, then you will be left with this thought for your whole life that had you asked your friend once you could have been successful.
Be Resilient –
Don’t give up easily on your goals. Your approach should be constant towards reaching your goal. Keep putting efforts unless you accomplish exactly what you want. A lot of people are ambitious but very few people are ready to work hard and go through any obstacle which comes their way. If you really want to achieve something in life then be prepared to face the barriers. As it is aptly said, “if you are not facing any problems then be sure that you are on the wrong track”. Learn to make plans to cross the hurdles once you see them coming. Stay focused on your target and have a positive attitude. As long as you are committed then you can achieve anything. Don’t assume the barriers but have a realistic approach. Achieving a target is like running a hurdle race. To win the race you must overcome the hurdles as well as in lesser time. Gird your loins like how you prepare your mind and body in a hurdle race before crossing the hurdle while maintaining the pace. You need more Oxygen and force to jump over a hurdle. In case of a general problem, Oxygen can be the motivation and force can be the passion to achieve your goal.
It needs a strategic approach to cross any obstacle just like you need one to start anything new in life. Try and try again until you succeed. Do you remember when you were a child, you were unstoppable. You would keep on trying to get something done.
Let me explain it with an example :
You must have played video games. Video games generally have levels to succeed and get a limited number of life-lines. When you use all the life-line and get hit, the game is over. But do you ever give up there? No, nobody does that. You keep on coming back and start all over again to finish that game. This is because humans have this nature to cross hurdles. We feel tempted when we find something challenging. Hurdles are the opportunities to learn something new. In a video game you must have ever noticed that when you start over a game again from the first level, you finish that level in lesser time than your previous attempt. It happens because you have learned to cross that level due to your previous mistakes and practice. Crossing those hurdles persistently makes you more expert.
You can use this above-mentioned approach to every aspect of your life. Though I have explained about relationships in the other articles like Nurture every relationship with consciousness and Why don’t marriages work? still, if any problem occur you can use the same approach but using your heart in it.
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