Nowadays, we all hear about meditation and the benefits we can harvest from it. Even science also supports meditation as a mind relaxing tool. It releases the tension from your body and mind. Moreover, it makes you healthier and helps you to have a relaxed sleep. I am sure that you must have tried to do meditation once in a while whether you got successful or not. You might have felt relaxed, peaceful, overwhelmed, frustrated, etc while or after doing it. Everyone has his/her own experiences. Meditation helps you fight anxiety and anger issues. It brings you overall good mental health.
So let’s exemplify as to what Meditation actually is. Meditation is a state of mind where the mind becomes zero. Meditation cannot be done as it’s not an activity. You cannot accomplish it as a task. All you have to do is to bring your body and mind to a state where meditation will happen ensuingly.
Meditation is not a skill that you can learn. It’s all about bringing your body, mind, and soul-aligned. To reach the state of meditation, you have to calm your body and mind. You will have to be open about everything happening inside you while trying to reach that state. Meditation, as you know it in layman’s terms, is due to the direct translation of the English language. The real word for meditation is “Dhyana” which is a Sanskrit word. However, I will be using ‘Meditation’ word for general understanding.
To make the meditation happen one can follow these below steps:
What is meditation?
As I wrote earlier, Meditation is not a process but an occurrence. There is no need to understand it, only experience it. Start by taking baby steps at first, it will happen to you slowly. Don’t waste time to know it. Don’t get stuck in Philosophy to understand it. Philosophy is just a theory part. It’s all about studying the fundamentals of ideology, wisdom, and existence. Meditation is not a philosophy. Meditation happens where all understandings end up. It cannot be explained. It has to be experienced.