Meditation for Beginners

Meditation for Beginners

Meditation for Beginners

Embrace silent sitting

Try to take some time out of your busy schedule. It may be morning or evening. Sit alone in silence for at least 10 minutes. Breathe slowly but deeply. Watch the breath coming in and going out. Bring silence to your body. You can choose to sit however you feel comfortable, sit cross-legged on a floor mat or use support for back or use a cushion or a meditation chair. If you have any kind of back problems then a meditation chair is best to use. You must sit in a comfortable position because while meditation your body must be relaxed not tortured. keep your eyes closed while sitting and go deeper inside you.

Be watchful

Be a watcher, not the doer. Don’t do anything; only watch your thoughts while concentrating on your breath. If you get carried away with your thoughts then bring yourself back with silence. Don’t get frustrated or become irritated or get angry at yourself. Getting carried away is natural. Because you have been looking outside since you were born. So when you start looking inside yourself it’s a bit of out of a routine thing. Don’t beat yourself for not concentrating. Give little time to your mind to get into this new routine as your set up. Be watchful to everything you experience. Don’t chase the rabbit, realize that your thoughts are not reality.

When emotions come to the surface

The moment you will start looking inside, all the suppressed emotions will start coming up to the surface. Don’t get alarmed. Looking inside you might not be that easy. Don’t get demotivated by this. Emotions come and go. Those will be there momentarily. Be aware only to watch them. Don’t react. Don’t get indulged into fighting with your inner- self; especially when thoughts come from the past where either you or someone else were right or wrong in a particular position. You start feeling bad and regret. But realize this truth, it was past and it cannot be changed. Let these emotions pass away. Let it go. It might take some days to empty you and let go of all the suppressed emotions. So keep concentrating on your breathing and be watchful to everything happening inside you.

Music or Mantras

If you want, you can use some background music. It can be meditation music or relaxation music. You will find a lot of music online. I personally like Indian flute music for meditation. Mantra chanting is also helpful for some people to concentrate. So suit yourself.

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Kia Singh

Kia Singh is an entrepreneur, spiritual seeker, writer, and life coach. She writes to convey her own life experiences which has inspired many in their life journey. In leisure time, Kia is found sticking to books or reading science research papers. You can reach her at [email protected]


    The art of Gratitude – Life-n-smile Posted on6:37 pm - January 31, 2019

    […] you have read my earlier articles and you are practicing meditation, then you may be wondering how to be more meditative, when you don’t get time for a […]

    yoga ttc in Goa Posted on11:57 am - July 4, 2019

    Thank you for this great post. keep it up sharing

    Mind and Love Posted on11:17 pm - July 5, 2019

    Great post! Really glad to have found this website. I relate to so much of your content; meditation, mindfulness, wellness, and relationships. I like to go back and forth between meditation with music and mantras. Sometimes the music relaxes me too much and I begin to drift off, but I like what it adds when I’m more alert. Also, I had never considered dance as a premeditation technique; I will have to try it out.
    Thank you for sharing.


    Forgiveness – The Truth – Life-n-smile Posted on6:28 pm - July 11, 2019

    […] The mother is everything to the child until the child can’t imagine. Once the child starts imagining the same mother becomes responsible for her failures. The truth is that it is your own habit of imagining people in a certain way who is at fault. So stop creating an image in your mind for people around you. Stop feeling hatred and resentment for someone for being his/her true self, but appreciate them for helping you to find out the truth behind your own emotions. These people give you the opportunity to discover the truth. You will never feel hurt after you realize this truth. To reach this truth “Meditation can show you the path”. […]

    10 Deceiving lies that you tell yourself – Life-n-smile Posted on2:27 am - July 28, 2019

    […] your true self without being biased.Do meditation practice (Read article “Meditation for beginners” to start). Find out about your likes, dislikes, your fears, and emotions; from where they […]

    Taking control of your life – Life-n-smile Posted on11:29 pm - August 3, 2019

    […] your livelihood, which is quite coherent. Certainly, you must take some time out of your routine to meditate. So that it can calm your mind and help you to cope up with stress and anxiety that you will go […]

    Tips for meditation – Life-n-smile Posted on8:47 am - August 8, 2019

    […] can be different ways to reach the same destination. You might have read my earlier article “Meditation for beginners” and started practicing meditation. Yet you are getting this notion that there is no end result? […]

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